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Make 2020 Your Best Year Yet

How does every year fly by faster than the one before? In just a few short weeks we’ll be toasting the start of a new year! Before you head off to celebrate and get swept away in all the wonderful holiday festivities, ask yourself this: what accomplishments are you most proud of in 2019? Think about it. In fact, reflect on everything you achieved this year. Many of us are so focused on what’s next that we forget to sit in silence and acknowledge our accomplishments.

It’s important for you to recognize the good work you’ve done, but it’s equally critical to create systems that set you up for continued success in 2020. Many people do this by making New Year’s Resolutions. Who are we kidding? Those don’t work.

This year, instead of making a resolution, make a commitment to yourself and your dreams. Commit to taking action, showing up, and stepping outside your comfort zone while always learning, loving, and growing. Let the words of Matthew Kelly swirl around your head each day: “Your dreams are yours for a reason. What are you doing about them?” Make 2020 the year you move beyond talking about your dreams to creating a plan to achieve them.

Your dreams are powerful. They belong to you and aren’t going anywhere. Be brave enough to do everything you say you desire, but never quite get around to making into reality. 

 I commit to making 2020 my best year ever. #MatthewKelly #FloydConsulting #LifeCoach [Click to Tweet]



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