Here are five things we want to share with you this week to help you become the-best-version-of yourself. 1. Feeling Stuck? Matthew Kelly shares the secret to self-discovery.
2. Did You Know? Only 38% of employees are happy with their current company. (Capital Associated Industries)
3. Discover how to create a Dynamic Culture so people love coming to work and accomplishing great things together.
4. Floyd Client Success: We are so proud of TrueScripts for being named #1 Best Place to Work in Indiana for medium-sized companies this year, after finishing sixth in 2021. Travis Snyder, Certified Dream Manager said, "Our implementation of the Dream Manager program last year was a big reason why we jumped to number one."
5. Don't miss one of only two more Dream Manager Certifications this year! Dream Big, The Floyd Team
P.S. If you missed the last edition, you can find it on our blog.