We are thrilled to have you as a guest on Lead with Culture. We know our audience is going to appreciate your valuable insights on leadership, team development, and building a dynamic culture.
Click here to schedule your interview. If you cannot find a time over the next two months that is convenient for you, please email Catalina@FloydConsulting.com.
Please click here to answer a few questions and submit your bio and headshot. This information must be received at least seven days prior to recording. If you have any issues with this form, please email Catalina@FloydConsulting.com.
Please be prepared to spend approximately 45 minutes speaking with our host, Kate Volman, CEO of Floyd Coaching. The interview will be recorded on Streamyard, an online application similar to Zoom. Nothing is required to download in advance. You will receive a link.
When & Where: You will receive a calendar invite in advance and the link to Streamyard prior to recording.
What We Discuss on the Show
Lead with Culture is a podcast about leadership and building a dynamic culture. The questions are catered specifically to each guest based on your experience, expertise, and business. It’s a very casual and fun conversation. Our listeners really love stories, so please be prepared to share specific examples of something you’ve seen or experienced during your leadership journey.
Here are a few sample questions that may be used to kickoff the conversation include:
How do you define company culture?
What was your biggest challenge over the past year?
What is the best decision you’ve made for your team and/or business over the past year?
What areas of focus do you think leaders should prioritize more?
What are the most important qualities of a leader?
What specific strategies are you using to attract and retain great talent?
What is one of your biggest mistakes while building your business?
The Do’s and Don’ts for Recording
Do check that your internet speed is a minimum of 5 Mbps. We recommend Google Chrome. We recommend >5mbps upload speed for your recording. Use this speed test to check your connection.
Do use headphones during your recording. (An external microphone will also help you sound even better, but isn’t required).
Do connect your headphones (and microphone) before clicking on your recording link.
Do feel free to click on your recording link in advance so you can check and make sure everything is set up correctly.
Do be in a quiet setting.
Great audio is crucial to your episode! We take pride in the quality of our production. Please do not use AirPods or any Bluetooth headset. These options won't capture good audio and will impact the quality and sound of your voice in the episode. Plus, we want you to sound great!
Don't open and record in Streamyard on a mobile device.
Don't have extra tabs open on your browser. Close anything you don't need while recording.
Don't load other computer programs while recording.
When you finish recording, don’t close the recording page or your computer until your files have been fully uploaded.
Tips for a Great Interview
Turn off any notifications or distractions, such as cell phones, ringers, and computer notifications.
“Listen” to your room. If you hear sounds of others talking, traffic, or any other environmental sounds, this can significantly reduce the quality of the finished podcast please find the quietest, echo-free space you can.
Remove any jewelry, such as rattling bracelets and/or necklaces. If you are using earbuds, be sure the microphone is not brushing up against your collar.
If you are using a headset, move the microphone toward your chin to avoid any heavy breath sounds.